2022/ 12/ 12

Top 5 Tips on How To Add Music To Your Youtube Videos

There are many ways to add popular music to your youtube videos. Here are 5 top tips:

1. Use royalty free music. Sites like YouTube Music Library offer a wide selection of royalty free music that can be added to your youtube videos without having to pay any fees. This is a great way to get popular songs without having to pay for rights or deal with copyright infringement.

2. Use song excerpts. You can also use short clips from popular songs as part of your video content. This can give your viewers a taste of the song, and help them decide if they want to hear the entire thing. Just be sure to include proper licensing information when using song excerpts in your videos – otherwise you could face legal repercussions from the copyright holders.

3. Add licensed music. If you want to use copyrighted music in your videos, be sure to get permission from the relevant copyright holder first. There are many places where you can find licensed music for use in youtube videos, including third party providers like SongLyrics247 and MusicXray Free Music Library . You can also find licenses for specific genres or styles of music on sites like Musixmatch . Just make sure that you get the appropriate license before adding any copyrighted material to your videos!

4. Use sound effects and mashups . Sound effects and mashups can add an extra layer of excitement and interest to your videos, helping them stand out from the competition. Try searching online for sound effect websites or using

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Adding music to your youtube videos can be a great way to add some extra excitement and interest to your content. Here are five tips on how to do it:


1. Use royalty free music. This is by far the easiest and most popular way to add music to your youtube videos. Just search for royalty free music on youtube, and you’ll be able to find a variety of tracks that you can use without having to pay any fees.


2. Try using soundtrack music. Sometimes, movie trailers or tv shows will include original soundtrack music that you can use in your own youtube videos. This is a bit more difficult to find, but definitely worth looking for if you’re interested in adding some extra oomph to your videos.


3. Use licensed music. If you want to use copyrighted music in your videos, you’ll need to get permission from the copyright holder first. This can be a bit more difficult than using royalty free music, but it’s definitely possible if you put enough effort into it.


4. Use Soundcloud audio files. Soundcloud offers a great way to add sound effects and background music to your youtube videos without having to worry about copyright issues or paying any fees. Just upload your Soundcloud files, and you’re ready to go!

5. Try using video soundtracks. A lot of Youtube users are starting to use video soundtracks as an alternative to traditional audio tracks in their videos. This involves creating a custom soundtrack

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Top 5 Tips on How To Add Music To Your Youtube Videos


Adding music to your youtube videos can really make them stand out and add an extra layer of entertainment. Here are some tips on how to do it:


1. Choose the right music. It’s important to choose music that will fit the tone of your video and match the style of your video. If you’re creating a comedic video, for example, choose music that is humorous or upbeat. If you’re creating a serious video, choose music that is fitting for the subject matter.


2. Pick the right song. Once you’ve chosen the music, it’s time to find the right song. Try searching for songs that are similar to what you’re looking for, or browse through popular playlists on youtube to find songs that would be perfect for your video.


3. Get licensing rights. Before you upload your video, make sure to get licensing rights from the songwriter or copyright holder. This can be a complicated process, but it’s worth it to avoid legal trouble down the road.


4. Put together a soundtrack. Once you have the music and licensing rights sorted out, it’s time to put together a soundtrack for your video! This can be as simple as adding sound effects and background music throughout your video, or hiring a composer to create an entire soundtrack specifically for your video.


5. Test out your soundtrack before uploading. It’s important to test out your soundtrack

Use music that is suitable for the video’s genre.


If you are creating a horror video, then using spooky music will help set the tone and atmosphere. If you are making a funny video, then using comical or upbeat music will help to reflect this. Likewise, if you are creating a serious or emotional video, then using mellower music will be more effective. Think about what sort of mood and feeling you want to create with your video, and choose your music accordingly.

Use free music resources or music libraries.


There are plenty of ways to get free music, whether you’re willing to pay with your time or your hard-earned cash. If you’re short on money, there are several ways to find free music online:


1. Check out free music resources and music libraries.


2. Use a search engine specifically designed for finding free music, like Jamendo or Free Music Archive.


3. Find independent artists who offer their music for free download on sites like Bandcamp or Soundcloud.


4. Look for streaming services that offer free tiers, like Pandora Radio or Spotify’s Free tier.

Add background music to increase engagement and viewership.


Adding background music to your videos is a great way to increase engagement and viewership. People are more likely to watch a video if it has music, and they’re also more likely to stick around for the whole thing if there’s music playing. This is because music helps to set the mood and create an atmosphere that viewers can enjoy. It can also make your videos more memorable, which will keep people coming back for more.

Experiment with different types and styles of music to find what works best for your videos.


If you’re not sure what type of music to use, try out different styles and see what works best with your videos. You may find that certain genres work better for certain types of videos. For example, if you’re editing a slow-paced montage, you might want to use classical or ambient music. On the other hand, if you’re cutting together a fast-paced action scene, you might want to use something with a more up-tempo beat. Experiment and see what works best for you.

Keep your audience engaged by using sound effects and voice-overs to add interest.


Draw your listeners in by using sound effects and voice-overs to add interest to your presentation. This will help keep their attention focused on what you’re saying. Use different techniques for each type of sound effect to keep things interesting. For example, you could use a higher pitch for excitement and a lower pitch for suspense.